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TypeScript Cheatsheet OOPS
- Authors
- Name
- Mukta Patel
- @muktaTechTonic
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a paradigm that uses objects and classes to structure code. TypeScript enhances OOP with static typing and access modifiers, improving code maintainability and scalability.
Classes and Constructors
A class is a blueprint for creating objects. The constructor initializes object properties.
class Account {
id: number;
constructor(id: number){
this.id = id;
Parameter Properties
Parameter properties are a shorthand for defining properties in a class constructor.
class Account {
constructor(public id: number, public name: string) {}
Getters and Setters
Getters and setters are used to control access to object properties.
class Account {
private _id: number;
constructor(id: number){
this._id = id;
get id(): number {
return this._id;
set id(value: number) {
if (value > 0) {
this._id = value;
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid id');
Index Signatures
Allows dynamic property assignment while maintaining type safety.
class SeatAssignment {
[seatNumber: number]: string;
let seats = new SeatAssignment();
seats.A1 = 'Mosh';
seats.A2 = 'John';
Static Members
Belong to the class itself rather than instances.
class MathUtil {
static PI: number = 3.14;
static add(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
A class can extend another class to reuse its properties and methods.
class Animal {
sound(): void {
console.log('Generic animal sound');
class Dog extends Animal {
override sound(): void {
let dog = new Dog();
Method Overriding
A subclass can provide its own implementation of a parent class method.
class Student extends Person {
override speak() {
console.log('Student speaking');
Abstract Classes and Methods
Abstract classes define a blueprint for subclasses.
abstract class Animal {
abstract sound(): void;
class Dog extends Animal {
override sound(): void {
Read-Only and Optional Properties
Ensure immutability and optional property definition.
class Person {
readonly name: string;
optionalAge?: number;
constructor(name: string, age?: number) {
this.name = name;
this.optionalAge = age;
Access Modifiers
Control property and method visibility using private, protected, and public.
class Person {
private _name: string;
protected _age: number;
constructor(name: string, age: number) {
this._name = name;
this._age = age;
public get name(): string {
return this._name;
Define a blueprint for objects.
interface Calendar {
name: string;
addEvent(): void;
class GoogleCalendar implements Calendar {
name: string;
addEvent() {}